2016-03-18 23:10:53
Wow! ^.^ Sakura!
2016-03-18 23:53:34
wooaaahhh Sakura is the beautifulest and hotest naruto girl
2016-03-18 23:53:53
you should really draw more Sakura
2016-03-20 03:07:41
thanks you guys < 3
2016-03-20 19:19:05
can you make more of them and she with minato and hida?
2016-03-20 19:20:01
2016-04-22 10:53:29
You can do with Madara and Kaguya?
2017-09-18 10:11:25
make more madasaku photos
2020-12-26 18:45:18
Wow! I love it. It is very exciting to see how Sakura rides. Nice job