2015-08-29 05:53:43
Heh, pretty amusing
2015-08-29 08:19:55
2015-08-29 10:04:14
Thanks people. Any aspects you like or don't like let us know so we can make adjustments accordingly in the future ^_^
2015-08-29 17:00:19
Nah Trim Nami is the "Madam" sell one of her girls lol.
2015-08-29 18:56:32
Hmm do i sense a follow up wanted? ^_^
2015-08-29 22:24:30
Nothing comes between Nami and her money... can't say the same for Erza, thought ;)
2015-09-15 18:13:20
A follow up would be great!
2016-03-11 01:24:00
we'll see what we can do