2018-03-13 20:00:11
Hot DAMN this looks good. And great suggestion!
2018-03-13 20:09:19
Restrained sex is my weakness....but put that on top of Yuri and you got my favorite. Good work guys!
2018-03-13 20:24:20
Hot picture
2018-03-13 23:11:28
Very nice art
2018-03-14 01:43:07
nice one but I am not sure if taking the same art from a different artist and replacing it with different characters is a good idea, I wouldn't be happy if anyone used my illustrations and copy it but still a nice work tho.
2018-03-14 02:14:36
Commissioner requested a specific pose, so I used that pose as a reference. What's the issue?
2018-03-14 04:19:50
^yeah if the commissioner wants the exact same pose then it must done like it,doing it any other way will only work if the commissioner said so otherwise it will just b going against the idea
2018-03-14 09:32:56
I agree with you guys but the commissioner asked to draw it "like" that, not exactly the same. If the commissioner asked to draw it exactly the same, the artist can still refuse it. I mean would you like it if anyone took your illustration and draw it the same while taking money for it? Just my opinion tho.
2018-03-14 17:45:45
HotVR you may be right, but not everyone would adapt
2018-03-14 19:30:03
Would I care if someone referenced my work? I wouldn't care really. I'm not going to claim royalties for every similarity between someone else's work and mine nor complain about it. Hard to find many (if any) artists who care about it.
2018-03-14 19:38:12
I do care if someone copied my illustration, 1 to 1 by just changing the character, same pose, same angle, same background... but you are right, most artist donr care and thats sad
2018-03-14 19:45:36
How is that sad? You want all artists to claim copyright over each similarity in pics? Treat it as any open source activity. Coders do it all the time (Arduino is widely used because of its open source nature), treat this the same way. If artists are going to trademark specific poses and angles then the number of artists will die out very fast or prices will go up significantly.
2018-03-14 20:17:02
Sure artists taking references is nothing new, no need to trademake every pose and angle, nothing bad about that but if you take the exact same picture by replacing it only with different character then it is not "taking references" anymore but solely copying from the original. I mean people doing commission with you because they like your art, don't you at least feel the urge to put in your own style to it? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to insult your art in any way. I love the outcome, especially because it's LOL but all thinks considered, that is just my opinion on this topic. Hope you don't take it the wrong way.
2018-03-14 22:46:29
HotVr I understand your point. But let's also look at the view of a commissioner. If I commissioned this image, and gave that reference, it's because I want that exact pose. Now I understand where you're coming from. If an artist took the time to figure out this exact pose, took time to understand how the anatomy is going to work, then you feel it unfair others can build off that by simply drawing different characters in their own style. But, as a commissioner, that's what I would want. If I have no idea who that artist was: -How would I then commission them for the same image with different characters? -What if the original artist created the image exactl like the screenshot to a porn clip? -Would it be wrong of me to commission another artist for it? -What is the difference between me using another image as an exact reference, over a porn clip image? Is it not essentially the same?
2018-03-14 23:35:05
Hi Kasuk, You make good points but drawing of human models in live or on pictures is relatively the same, people are doing this for centuries. No harm in taking reference as I mentioned. I understand the view of a commissioner but is it not the artist's choice to refuse such a request in the end or at least ask if it bothers the commissioner if he draws it his way? I mean there is still a bottomline even for commissioners. This platform will take a big hit if a professional artist will see his work being copied 1:1 here and starts complaining to the webmaster. Drawing from a porn pic is totally fine, like I said drawing from human bodies is essential in hentai illustration (illustration of all kind) but taking a work from another artist who probably took 10x more effort and time into his work then the copied version is just plain wrong. I completely understand your rea***ing but I guess it is still just a matter of opinion at the end of the day.
2018-03-15 01:29:27
Are we going to start licensing poses if another is similar enough? Are we going to patent certain poses that took time to develop? Are we going to prevent manufacturers from using certain tools or implementing certain component designs because someone else way back when took the time to go through an R&D process to make it? Can we not use the wheel anymore? If we take what you suggest and ***** artists to make things 100% original then you're going to see a skyrocket in pricing since you're needlessly ******* them to spend more time on a piece. I took a ref pic and added my own spin to it, who did I do wrong by? Am I supposed to give royalties to the original artist (god knows who that may be)? It does no one any favors. Not the commissioner or the artist, plain and simple.
2018-03-15 01:41:41
Artists on here do it all the time, some even trace and this is the first time i have ever seen anyone mention anything like this. Over 7 billion minds on this planet, it is absurd to think that originality still exists, someone somewhere has thought of this.
2018-03-15 02:06:21
Did I ever say anything about licensing or patenting? Did I say you should mention the original artist? Did I suggest that people should only do original art? Did you even read what I wrote? Clearly not. I have no respect for artist copying another mans/womans work and by copying I mean exactly the same. If I take both pictures, open them on paint tool sai/photoshop, decrease the opacity on the top layer, I will see the exact same image except for the characters and even the outline of the characters are 90% same. If you take a reference sure, every artist is doing so, if you copy it 1 to 1 then don't be surprised that people will call you out. I never said you did anything wrong. I told you that it was solely my opinion on the matter, if you can't handle criticisme than stop being an artist, simple as that. I did not intend to do any harm but since you are clearly not understanding my point and putting everything into ridiculous questions there is no other way I can say it. Sure you want to please the commissioner but do you really need to do everything a commissioner is asking of you? Have you no standard as an Artist? Maybe I'm wrong and my way of thinking is way to oldschool.
2018-03-15 02:54:55
"Do you really need to do everything is asking of you?" If you expect to get paid, then... yes? It's a business at the end of the day, not a place to pontificate morality (if there was even a question there). In a way you are suggesting that people do original stuff (to what degree is another matter) because you claim that there is some moral impropriety to using a base reference that may or may not be traced over. Are you reading what you wrote? "Drawing from a porn pic is totally fine, like I said drawing from human bodies is essential in hentai illustration (illustration of all kind) but taking a work from another artist who probably took 10x more effort and time into his work then the copied version is just plain wrong." You're making a claim that it's wrong to use someone else's time and effort as a foundation for your own piece (and for some rea*** you don't apply that same logic to porn screencaps because even more time and $$ went into the production of that) simply because they went through what amounts to an R&D process. My series of questions just poses the same question you pose in an analogous manner. Did you propose those initiatives? No, but that's not what I said either. What that series of questions does is show the slippery slope that your moral proposition presents. I don't know any other artist that cares if they're work is traced over or flat out copied and used for editing purposes (it's been happening for years FYI...). "...if you can't handle criticisme than stop being an artist..." Where was my rejection of criticism? I've even made posts explicitly asking for criticism on this site. The only thing I've rejected is your rule of standards when making commissions where the commissioner explicitly asks to use a reference. I understand your point, you've made it clear by now. I'm just saying it's ridiculous to equate using another per***'s work as a foundation (or even tracing for all I care) to some sort of moral quandary. Don't take this as me trying to shove you down or insult you, this is just where my sense of logic leads me to think.
2018-03-15 03:58:55
In my opinion when i compare this draw from GGC with the "original" one I think GGC's art it's way superior in every mean... If i had to rate them i would say GGC pic it's a 10/10 and the original a non-fappeable 7/10 (: @HotVR more than "wrong" i think you're just jealous of seeing someone doing a better art version since your style it's mid tier at best :D
2018-03-15 04:28:35
^^Appreciate that you like my work, but there's no need to throw stones at other people. Please refrain from doing so
2018-03-15 07:41:58
Takasugi the GGC version has different body proportions, and drawn in a different style, so I do not know if it can be classified as plagiarism.
2018-03-15 07:51:11
Looking at the work of HotVR from my commission, it shows the change in the position of the character's head and other facial expressions Orginal :Image and version HotVR :*****-and-kefla-nude-posing#big
2018-03-15 07:54:25
His version is more distant from the original I liked his job, but I do not consider GGC's job as a copy
2018-03-15 08:31:56
oh lord, this is getting out of hand. My apologies, my comment was a bit more impactful than I thought. I see your point and logic, no need to discuss further as the rea***ing is completely understandable. As for Takasugi, I think an artist's style is a matter of taste. I still appreciate your feedback. Sorry for bashing on you GGC, I know how much work it takes to finish such an illustration and again I like the outcome.
2018-03-15 10:53:21
Hey I see what your Saying HotVR! Im like why do people Care to have Private Pics then unless its There OC or they don't what No one to Copy it or Is it just Selfish? Riddle me that? Lol