2017-12-19 09:04:38
damn you resolution, my animation looks all wierd now xD. anyone know the resolution to SWF looks good here ?. also my first time doing something like that, dunno if i did good :thinking:.
2017-12-19 10:28:46
For Your First Time, That's Very Good. Thanks. But That Could have been better. For Example, Her mouth should not be Separated From Nipple and Nipple should be in her mouth All Time. and Sarada *****ing milk. Like This Video [[ hinata-and-kushina-breastfeeding ]] Anyway Thanks For Create my Idea.
2017-12-19 10:37:07
That's great. I like this Video.
2017-12-19 10:51:24
First animation, and it's already better than rift's stuff. Sorry,. that was a dick move. Great job though!
2017-12-19 14:24:53
great, a great job as always
2017-12-19 18:41:46
#milk_****** ye, it's because don't have much examples of milking on internet, i did that way to looks like she is pumping the milk of her boobs, also my style is not that "cartoonish" to make the milk like riffs, if i do that, will looks weird xD. but i can edit later, making the nipple never get off sarada mouth and make some milk coming out of her mouth, if you want.
2017-12-19 20:11:43
Yes, Please. If may, Please Edit This Video. I will grateful. Thanks.
2017-12-19 20:53:19
Wow I love it. It's weird but Sarada or himawari sucking Sakura's hinata's or kushina's breasts is hot
2018-04-07 21:21:48
i love the tits of hinata