2017-08-20 00:11:00
this took forever to finish! i almost gave up on this piece due to the pose (i had a different and easier one in mind but i chose this) but most of all, mainly drawing Nyna took the cake. thanks for trusting me with the idea and patiently waiting, Dood! ahhh drawing Tiki was worth all the tears and frustration
2017-08-20 02:00:51
I wonder if Caeda is jealous haha
2017-08-20 02:05:19
ahhh crap! you're right! i should've made Caeda jealous!!! x(((
2017-08-20 02:08:15
No worries, it looks great already! :D
2017-08-20 05:44:32
Cue the towel meme; this is great! Two thumbs up!
2017-08-20 17:29:48
Oooh. Is Marth building a harem?
2017-08-20 20:01:06
yes, Marth livin the dream.... unlesss i replace the girls with the woodcutter bros >:)))))