A Continuation of Chapter 349: Based on this scene in Fairy Tail (
Image ). Girls are still wearing what they are on that page.
Panel 1: Erza ******* Minerva to suck her pussy. Erza is standing and pulling Minerva's hair. Minerva's panties are wedging into her and her arms are tied behind her back.
Panel 2: Minerva on all fours getting her ass fingered by Erza. Minerva's arms are tied behind her back and her panties are shoved in her mouth. Erza is spreading Minerva's ass with one hand and fingering with the other.
Panel 3: Erza using a big strapon to fuck Minerva's ass. Minerva is sitting on Ezra's lap and kissing her while getting fucked. Minerva's arms are tied behind her back and Erza is grabbing her ass. Minerva is cumming.
Panel 4: Erza spanking Minerva for cumming before she did.