bardock x android 18
after an intense fight between bardock! goku's ****** and android 18 one side emreged victorious! in this case was bardock that emerged as the winner
after he ******* 18 he puted some shackless on her that prevented one's being from using ki, and after he did that he turned her into a sex *****
fucking her roughly every day, the way only a sayan could do! he's using his cock to train her asshole right now! she's still not being broken
however with every time he makes her cum she loose her resisting will a little, and eventually she will only think about saiyans cocks
Note 1: this is a concept so how you will turn this into something it's all up to you
Note 2: Conept (an abstract idea; a general notion. a plan or intention; a conception.)
below follows some reference on the characters
bardock (
Image )
18 (
Image )
i will give you a keyword for inspiration that might help you come up with something if you need (a hard to train sex *****)