This list filters only those artworks that were made based on ideas received from our registered members. Submit your idea and get your own EXCLUSIVE artwork made by skilful hands of our artists!
Erza, Yoruichi and Roberta from Black Lagoon (berserk mode : External , External , External ). They wear neko lingerie (at least cat ears, rest up to you) and are lapping in a bowl of milk in this position : External . Their soles should be visible like this : Image
Yoruichi is tickling some anon balls in a "cat" way Image and he's cumming in the bowl
Millianna (Fairy Tail) simular to this (External ) and have Millianna in this outfit (Image ) but with her breasts out. and the panties ofc moved to the side for the cock. and need not put that much jizz, infact a cum and no cum version would be nice, but usualy you artists want more EV's for that. we can talk about that in privet. these are my last points, and this is a simple POV style pic.
Gamer Girl: Erza Scarlet similar to this -> Image . Her outfit should be the same but she does not wear a bra and has hard nipples. Her feet are naked and her expression should be like a little aroused and grinning. You can just copy the gaming console, controller, headset and screen or bring your own ideas ( I would prefer your own ideas ^^ ).
Reina from Queen's Blade x Rebecca from OP like this (Image ) and Saber (F/S) x Erza (armor of seduction) from FT like this (Image ) in the Dressrosa Colloseum Arena. Artist to decide which ones are strapped..
- Clothing: Leafa: (External ), Sakuya: (External girl with the white and purple underwear))
- Action: Leafa and Sakuya are in the street, Leafa talking at Sakuya . A problem occurs in the game that removes their clothing. Now they are in the street, with only their underwear and their weapons.