gray fullbuster x mikasa ackerman
IMPORTANT INFO: i will chose 4 different artists to make one panel each so when making an offer remember if choosen you will only do one panel (to tell me what panel do you want to make, on the last digit of your offer put a number from 1-4 this will say what panel you are making an offer for [EX: artist 1 make offer for panel 1! he gives his value with final digit that matches the number of the panel; 151 evs and so on])
panel 1
- gray and mikasa are in a forest, they're standing under the shadow of a tree, gray is with his back leaned on the tree
- he is with his shirt unbutoned and his pants are unziped (his cock is exposed) his hands are tied together with a rope and he is barefooted
- mikasa is fully clothed, she's right in front of him and she's stroking his cock with one hand, her other hand is leaned on the tree (on the side of his head)
- she is with her head down (looking to his cock while she strokes it) her facial expression is a mix of somethings, embarassment (that's why she is looking down) she's blushing to some extent (since is the first time she's doing such a thing) there's a little of sweat on her forehead (cuz she's uncertain if she should continue or not)
- gray is surprised, embarassed just like her and disconcerted (he clearly wasn't expecting someone to do this) he's saying to her (hey, hey, what're you think you're doing???) he's not shouting but he's clearly saying it in a high tone
- he is with a hard cock despite his embarassment
panel 2
- gray is on his knees and mikasa is sited on her own laps (japanese style) they're still next to the tree under it's shadow, mikasa is in front of him
- she's licking her own fingers (they are covered with his semen) she's tasting the flavour of it and she's a little surprised at how it tasts, she's thinking (it's so salty and bitter) her other hand is on her knee
- gray still with his hands tied, his dick is still letting out some semen that is flowing down from the glans trough the body of his cock
- he is breathing more heavly (due to the pleasure this akward situation unexpectedly gave to him) he is with his face to the side and looking down and we cannot see his eyes cuz his hair is blocking it, he's saying to her (so... have you finished?)
- she is looking to his face (her head however is still a litte bit downed since she's triyng to avoid eye contact) she is blushing lightly
panel 3
- gray is laied on the ground, mikasa is with her crotch right above his face, she's without her pant nor pantie and shoes neither, her shirt is unbutoned (her breasts are being covered with a crop shirt)
- gray's pant is pulled down to his knees along with his underwear, he's licking mikasa's pussy (her pussy is hairy)
- she's gripping on his hair with both hands firmly and pulling his head towards her crotch so his tongue can go more deep inside her
- there is a little xray panel showing his tongue inside her vagina (his tongue will be all wet with her vaginal wall juices)
- she is looking to his face, she's biting her lips (due to some pleasure impulses being sent to her brain) one of her eyes are closed and the other is opened, she's also blushing quite a lot on this panel
- they're near the tree, and his hands still tied
panel 4
- gray is sited on the ground with his back leaned on the tree, his pants are a little more pulled down (a little more under the knee) and he's without his shirt
- mikasa is sited over his crotch, gray's cock is fully inside her pussy, she's holding on one of his arms and on the back of his head, her shirt is falling from one of her shoulders
- she is with her cheek leaned on the region between his forehead and the top of his head, her eyes are semi opened, she's blushing on a moderate way, gray is also blushing
- their bodies are very sweaty, gray is with his head leand on her chest and his eyes are closed, he is with one hand on the back of her waist pulling it closer to his body, his other hand is grabing on her buttock
- her breast is exposed (her crop shirt is pulled up) their bodies are very very very close to each other (since they are embraced/clinged on each other bodies very tightly)
- she's asking him while she moans with his every trusts to her womb (are mmmh are you lik haahmm liking uuhm it?) he dosen't respond (not with words at least) he is breathing roughly
additional info
- mikasa has a fit body and she has a scar on the left side of her cheek, her hair is short, she usualy has a serious face (but she can demonstrate other expressions quite well on certain ocassions)
- gray will be with his hand tied from panel 1 to 3
- they will be in a forest in all 4 panels
- the reference material is down bellow
Image (some minor details)
Image (kind of place they will be)