New Demon Queen
Erza Scarlet with horns like Seilah from Tartaros.
She is wearing only black and red striped high knee socks, which reveal her heels and toes and arm protection of her purgatory armor (
Image )
She is sitting on Mard Geers throne (
Image ) and making a similar pose like he made (
Image )
but she is spreading her legs and grabbing with her left hand her left boob
Her nipples, belly button and clitoris are pierced -> all piercings connected via a chain -> for example (
Image -> the right one )
Her sword leans near the throne.
She has an evil glare in her eyes and is grinning.
Seilah from Tartaros ( standard form ) and Mirajane kneeing below her -> pressing their boobs against Erza's legs. Seilah wears her thigh-high socks which reveal her heels and toes. All girls are busty; curvy; blushing.