Special "Happy New Year"
- Anime: Naruto
- Characters: Hinata, Sakura, Boruko (Boruto female version), Sarada, Himawari
- Clothing: Kimono transparent as on these examples (
External ,
External ,
External ), the belt passes below the breasts (belt color: purple for Hinata, pink for Sakura, orange for Boruko, red for Sarada, yellow for Himawari - with motifs, chosen by the artist, thank you
- Age and tits and pussy: Hinata and Sakura are mature women (60 years), they took some forms with age but remains very sexy, they have a very hairy pussy (the same color as their hair). they have huge breasts that fall (sag) with age (Sakura has large areolas clear, Hinata has huge dark areolas) (as in this example:
External ). Boruko and Sarada are very beautiful women (30 years), they have a hairy pussy (the same color as their hair), but cut (shape of the artist's choice), they have big breasts (Boruko has big areolas clear and Sarada has small dark areolas). Himawari is a young woman (20 years old), with a shaved pussy and small breasts (without areolas but these nipples are dark)
- Action: Everyone is at the temple, in front of the donation box to make a prayer for the new year (as in this example:
External ), from left to right: Boruko, Hinata, Himawari, Sakura, Sarada. Expression of the face at the choice of the artist, thank you.
-Thank you.