Title: "Girls Bravo :Bravo Ever After" (video)
Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Location: Yukinari's Bedroom inside of his house.
Eleventh Scene: “The First Missionaryâ€. (After the scissor position finished, Yukinari and Miharu proceed to do the missionary position to continue satisfying each other passion. Only the first part of missionary). They do the first part of the missionary position kind of like this (
External ) The difference is that Yukinari didn’t suck Miharu’s breast while having his hands on the bed so he can give them space. Thus, allowing Miharu to move freely, including her breasts jiggling. Miharu touches Yukinari’s shoulders during the missionary sex position so she can hold him, hug him,and squeeze him later on. Make sure both of Yukinari’s hands are on the bed so that Miharu can touch Yukinari’s shoulders during the missionary position. Miharu loves Yukinari so much. Yukinari feels the same way about her too. In the way, it will be so romantic. As well as to make sure that Yukinari’s face is revealed so that viewers will know it’s really him, it’s very important. Ensure both characters are completely naked.