Title: "Girls Bravo :Bravo Ever After" (video)
Main Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Supporting Characters: Kirie Kojima, Koyomi Hare Nanaka , Maharu Sena Kanana, and Tomoka Lana Jude a.k.a Tomo
Locations: Yukinari's House and his bedroom.
Fourteenth Scene: "The Observationâ€. During at nighttime, after Yukinari and Miharu falling a***** with each other with such happiness, Kirie Kojima, Koyomi Hare Nanaka , and Tomo aka Tomoka Lana Jude enters Yukinari’s house as they’ve came back from their shopping trip with the bags they are holding. Along with them, Maharu Sena Kanaka, who also came by. Next, they enter Yukinari’s room to check up on Yukinari and Miharu. They observe the two *****s peacefully.