Title: "Girls Bravo :Bravo Ever After" (video)
Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Location: Yukinari's Bedroom inside of his house.
Twelfth Scene: “The Second Missionaryâ€. (Picking up from the first part of the missionary position, Yukinari and Miharu continues to do the missionary position to satisfy each other passion even more. Only the second part of the missionary. This action serves as the last intercourse. Miharu squeezing and hugging Yukinari tight like stomach-on-stomach to make her feel good because of their strong love for each other, and then cum inside. Again, they’re doing it out of love). They are doing the second part of the missionary position like this (
Image ). With Miharu squeezing Yukinari like hugging with both of her arms and legs because she totally loves him as much as he loves her. Be sure that breast(s) and her nipple(s) are revealed. During the cumming part, make sure Yukinari’s penis are revealed too so viewers will know that they are cumming inside.