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Julius overhears a conversation between Gabriel and Michael from Granblue Fantasy and the two decide to use him to help settle a debate between the two friends on who is the sexier one as well as the better one in bed.
Ragna has his bandage right arm and esdeath has the outfit in the reference picture
First panel
Ragna is fuck esdeath in a doggie styled position as he grab one of her breast as he cum inside of her and impregnated her and showing her egg getting fertilizer
Hinata has the white hokage robe on, but it complete open and she is nude besides that. Her breast size is referenced after her. Flowing hair at least to her butt.
Natsu completely nude and has a cock as big as the reference after him.
Panel 1-2 sex as referenced should be able to see natsus body
Xray overlay version as seen in the size of jiros cock reference, should have tons of cum