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I'd like for Hikage to be giving a ~~lucky~~ guy a paizuri, and the guy is orgasming all over her boobs and face, with one rope of cum shooting upward. She sorta looks bored or uninterested doing it, but there's a small floating heart beside her head.
Sokka banging Ty Lee behind a rock at the beach. Ty lee wears her withe bikini and sokka wears a swimingtrunks. Sokka kisses ty lees breasts and she makes a ahego face as he cums inside her. Cum drops down from ty lees pussy into the Sand.
asuna yuuki (sao) is in the position on a couch as in the reference pic. She is topless, and has a black thong on, and no knee high socks. Her tits should be the focus in the pic , but if you can make her ass look good too that would be a plus. She has a naughty look on her face, like she is ready for a night of fun. She has a colored condom in her mouth, like it comes right out of the package. a stack of 5 wrapped condom wrappers on a table or something next to her. Like she is prepared to get it on all night.