Series: Girls Bravo
Title: “Married Bravo Part 1”
Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Location: Dining Room inside of Yukinari’s House.
Reference for Miharu’s cheerful face:
Plot: Yukinari and Miharu enjoying their happy long lives together as husband and wife. Yukinari sitting in the chair waiting for the food Miharu cooking happily. Yukinari happily looks at Miharu. Then Miharu serve lunch/dinner to both and then eat together. Make sure that Yukinari looks at Miharu happily and sweetly just like he is in canon. This action takes place way after the final chapter and Girls Bravo: Another Act as well as it takes place after Yukinari forgiven his *****hood friend, Kirie.
Note: This will be a non-hentai request. Which means, no hentai materials, and no nudity. This is kind like an action type of request.